Tag Archives: Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway’s Hamburger Recipe

Hemingway’s Hamburger Recipe from the JFK library

Hemingway’s 4th wife Mary wrote that they ate the hamburgers to fortify them for “tramping through the sagebrush after pheasant, partridge or ducks” in Idaho or Wyoming, which they visited every autumn. She typed the recipe out for the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery while Hemingway was still alive.The version above, with the  “Wild West” annotation, was for a later edition.
Ingredients included: Continue reading Hemingway’s Hamburger Recipe

The Kitchen of Ernest Hemingway’s Childhood Home

Recently we visited the first home and birthplace of Ernest Hemingway in Oak Park, IL. The kitchen of the home is of interest to collectors of antique and vintage kitchen decor and paraphenalia. The Hemingway kitchen was run by live in domestic staff and was state of the art at the turn of the century. Ernest Hemingway was born in the house in 1899 and lived there for the first six years of his life until they moved to another house nearby as the family grew larger. The kitchen is restored to how it would have looked during the time Ernest lived here. Continue reading The Kitchen of Ernest Hemingway’s Childhood Home