Ricky and Lucy visit the Littlefields

A visit to the Littlefields on I Love Lucy

In the I Love Lucy, Season 1, Episode entitled Lucy’s Schedule the Ricardo arrive  an hour late for dinner at the Littlefields due to Lucy putting the clock back instead of forward.  Mr Littlefield values punctuality so dinner is over by the time they arrive.

Gale Gordon as Mr Littlefield, Ricky’s new boss

In this episode Gale Gordon makes his appearance  on the show as Mr Littlefield. We first see him seen reading an issue The American Weekly magazine dated May 25, 1952.

Lucy eats after dinner mints

Ricky and Lucy have missed dinner so when Mrs Littlefield offers Lucy after dinner mints she is so hungry she takes all of them to hillarious effect. The glass dish is a Fostoria ‘American’ Compote Candy Dish which we looked at in a different scene previously.

Moments later Lucy spots the bowl of wax fruit and another hilarious scene ensues when Lucy bites into a wax apple

Lucy vs the wax apple
1950’s wax fruit on eBay

Related Post: http://www.50slucy.com/lucys-glass-candy-dish.html