Lucy’s Leaf Print Tablecloth

1950’s Leaf Print Calaprint tablecloth on I Love Lucy

Lucy’s Leaf Print tablecloth was made by Calaprint in the 1950’s. This tablecloth was made in a few color schemes. Recently we saw the following two versions for sale on eBay – a green version and a red version. Previously (in this post ) we looked at a green and pink colorway of the same print.  We can probably assume the colors of  the one the show had green in it rather than red because the set  colors tended to be chosen to compliment Lucy’s red hair even though it was filmed in black and white, furthermore the red one would have appeared somewhat darker in grayscale . This tablecloth was seen in several episodes and even appeared later in the Newport house in a kitchen scene when Lucy is ironing it.

1950's Calaprint tablecloth
1950’s Calaprint tablecloth seen on eBay
Red version of the Calaprint design seen on eBay
Calaprint label seen on eBay listing.