Lucy’s Kitchen Wall Matchbox holder

Matchbox holder on wall in Lucy's kitchen
Matchbox holder on wall in Lucy’s kitchen

No longer a commonplace item in the home, the matchbox holder was found in most homes in days gone by when matches were in constant use to light lamps, stoves and fires. Seen here in the kitchen, the wall mounted holder, usually of metal or wood, kept the matches dry and  safely away from tiny hands.matchboxholde1r
Lucy’s matchbox holder is painted tin, in a design that can still be found by collectors, the floral nasturtium decal has a gingham check lower border.

I see a red version on Etsy this week Click Here for Details< Etsy (US)

Look for similar items on eBay

Tip: Vintage tin often has rust spots, use raw potato dipped in baking soda to gently clean rust spots, dry completely, a hairdryer on low heat is useful, then apply some oil to any bare spots where paint is missing to prevent more rust.

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