Lucy’s Automatic Coffee Percolator

i love lucy  coffee percolator
Lucy pours Ricky’s morning coffee from her Automatic Percolator

Here is a typical breakfast set with Lucy in her apron pouring coffee for Ricky in a scene that is representative of the typical 50’s housewife, although Lucille Ball with her heavy work schedule had little time for domesticity in her personal life. She is holding an electric coffee percolator, an affordable aluminum model that could be found in an average American home, at a time when the percolator was ubiquitous, well before dip coffee makers came along to dominate the home market.

Vintage Mirro-Matic Electric Coffee Percolator

The Mirro-Matic Electric Coffee Percolator is similar to the one on the show. Another make to look for is the Handyhot Automatic Electric Percolator which resembles the one in the screenshot below.

The Handyhot percolator had 2 pins on the back like this one on the show
The Handyhot percolator had 2 pins protruding on the back like this one on the show

The Mirro-Matic and the Handyhot percolators appear almost identical. The main difference between them is the guard around the 2 pinned power connector at the base that is present on the Mirro-Matic, whereas the Handyhot has just two bare pins when the power cord is removed. The percolators came in a range of sizes. Lucy’s one appears to be the 8-cup size which was about 11 inches tall. These models are still to be found in working order. I found one on eBay which had the original cord that still works.

Vintage Handyhot Percolator
Vintage Handyhot Percolator – source eBay

Aluminum percolators need to be cleaned well before use and also between uses because a build up of stale coffee residue can effect the taste of the coffee. Aluminum can easily be cleaned with a solution of vinegar and lemon juice diluted with some water – Its important not to immerse the base of the coffee pot in water when cleaning it. If there are any baked in stains on the inside the manufacturer recommended a steel wool soap pad to remove them , especially on the heating element inside the pot because a build up of residue can cause the element to overheat.  Use a percolator tube brush to clean inside the narrow tube and spout. Use a coarse ground to make coffee vintage style, optionally a paper disc filter can be used but its not necessary with the coarse grind. Rinse well before making your coffee, and store it with the lid off when not in use to keep it odor free. This is a very efficient percolator that heats up quickly.

A couple of points to note:

  • Use a coarse grind coffee suitable for percolator or French Press for best tasting coffee.
  • The aluminum surface and the small glass dome on the lid gets quite hot in use so take care when using it and keep it away from children.
  • The original power cord  has a bakelite socket  where it connects to the appliance which is reported to be more heat resistant next to the hot aluminum than modern replacement cords so look for one with the original cord in good condition .
Vintage Mirro-Matic Percolator Ad

Click Here to see Mirro-Matic on eBay
Click Here to see Handyhot Percolators on eBay
Percolator tube and spout brush – needed for cleaning
Replacement Power cord on Amazon – note the modern power cord connector may not be as heat resistant as the original bakelite.

Patent for the heating element from the Chicago Electric Mfg. Co. maker of the Handyhot percolator: