Coffee Grinder to Restore

B.O Garantie Coffe Grinder on eBay
B.O Garantie Coffe Grinder on eBay

On ebay this week there is a B.O. Garantie coffe grinder (CLICK HERE to see it on eBay) that could be restored to look like the coffee grinder on I Love Lucy which we looked at in a previous post The B.O. Garantie grinder is the only other one I have seen that exactly matches the shape of the coffee grinder on the I Love Lucy  show as seen below in a previous side by side comparison.

Previous omparison of a similar B.O.Garantie grinder with an unmarked grinder like the one on I Love Lucy
Comparison of B.O.Garantie grinder (right) with an unmarked grinder like the one on I Love Lucy(left)

It would need to be stripped and repainted /varnished  and an ivy leaf decal painted/applied to the front to get the same look as the one on the show. See previous post for more details: